Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Authority, Question Responses

1. One important theme from The Authority, seems to be modern society and how its cities and urban environments effect us. Violence and destruction is always terrible, but in a metropolis it becomes a catastrophe. The name of this Super Team seems to symbolize their response to the devastation that can occur. In this case, there are super human killing machines that are wiping out many large urban areas, but in reality, this represents what humans, specifically those with authority, do to ourselves and our homes. Authority is always something that should be questioned, so its interesting that this team dons this name, to battle what is constantly trying to hold us down.

2. The Authority is basically a revamped Justice League, set in a less romanticized reality. While the world of many superheroes can be campy and theatrical, where taboo subjects are ignored, this story embraces those ideas, and responds to them in its own way. I find it interesting, how these characters are more personal, and feel like real people who have to go on these missions to try and help out the best they can, as opposed to the parent like, or god like characters from Marvel, and especially DC. Death, alcohol and drug use, and even topics like homosexuality are addressed, which can be refreshing when you're accustomed to only reading stories from the typical American superhero comic.  

3. If I were to adapt The Authority, I would do it by means of film. Of course changes would have to be made, and the most obvious would be the redesigns of costumes, clothing, and sets, just to keep the aesthetics more current, and to make them more pleasing. I would also however add to the grunginess by incorporating even more props and set pieces that show that these characters are real people in real, yet fictional places. The characters that smoke would have ash trays lying around, and their work spaces would be smokey and stained yellow. Sets would look lived in, with wear and tear, and cities would be grimy.

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